A is the correct answer


Sterilization is the most commonly used contraceptive method used by married couples. Both interval laparoscopic and postpartum sterilization are safe and effective procedures. There are multiple different techniques to sterilization. Counseling should include the risk, benefits, and alternatives to the procedure, including long-acting reversible contraception and vasectomy. Efficacy and risk of ectopic surgery, if conception occurs following sterilization, should also be reviewed. Compared with other methods, bipolar coagulation carries the most significant risk of ectopic pregnancy and the second highest 10-year failure rate.

Postpartum partial salpingectomy (B) has the lowest ectopic pregnancy rate among sterilization methods. Silicone band methods (C) and spring clips (D) have comparable ectopic pregnancy rates that are lower than bipolar coagulation.


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